Sedation/General Anesthesia
1 hours
3-7 days
It may surprise many, but 1 out of 3 men have unnaturally large breasts, and in most cases, it causes them some mental discomfort and embarrassment. This condition of large breasts amongst men is known as Gynecomastia, and it can be solved by different methods depending upon the age and severity of the condition. If the recommended method is surgery, a well experienced plastic surgeon, who specializes in breast surgery will be needed.
Gynecomastia surgery, also popularly known as male breast reduction surgery, is a process that requires specialized surgical expertise. So, before deciding to undergo this surgery, it is imperative to get a clear understanding of the process, and the do’s and don’ts associated with it. Being the leaders in Gynecomastia surgery in Dubai, we share the relevant information here for you.
Gynecomastia is a condition among men wherein their breast tissues are enlarged. This can happen due to hormonal imbalances and fluctuations, or use of steroids, and that growth is true enlargement of the breast tissue.
Enlarged breasts are also seen in obese or overweight men, where there is a deposition of fat in the pectoral area of the chest, and the fatty tissues over the breast area give an appearance of enlarged breasts. This is referred to as pseudo-gynecomastia, and may be treated with surgical or non-surgical methods.
There is increasing evidence of substance abuse causing gynecomastia in young men aspiring to become body builders. In UAE, we see many young body builders who have used hormonal substitutes such as testosterone, androgen hormones, growth hormones, etc. and are suffering from painful glands in their chest. This is also a cause for recurrence in men who have undergone surgery previously to correct gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia surgery is a process of rebuilding the man’s breasts to normal appearance, shape, size, and proportion.
Surgery for gynecomastia is performed under general anesthesia, and sometimes a one night stay at hospital or clinic may be required.
Broadly speaking, there are 3 types of techniques for gynecomastia surgery:
To do this successfully, a well-trained and experienced team, like ours at Cocoona, is needed. Our top surgeons have cumulatively done over 2,000 breast surgeries with amazing results, including over 500 gynecomastia surgeries.
If you are considering rhinoplasty, a bit of soul-searching is in order before you conclude whether you should proceed with it. You should be clear about the “Why” & the “Who” – why you want it and with whom you should do it.
The end-objective is to help make your chest appear more natural with a firmer feel and better contours. This will help enhance self-image and self-confidence.
To discuss your individual case, and get advice from the top gynecomastia surgeons in Dubai, book a confidential consultation with us today.
Gynecomastia surgery is among the most sought after cosmetic plastic surgery among men. Before leaping into the operating room, we suggest that you ask yourself some questions like:
Does your large breast cause social anxiety and physical discomfort?
Are you uncomfortable with your upper body being displayed in accepted surroundings like the pool, gym, or beach?
Will the surgery give you more confidence and contentment?
Will you be comfortable with this change?
Once you have answers to these questions, you must then take the most important steps of identifying the best gynecomastia surgeon, and breast clinic in town. This will ensure that you get the best consultation, advice, and results for your desired procedure.
A top Gynecomastia surgeon is one who is appropriately certified, well qualified, has loads of experience, has worked with different solutions and techniques, and is well respected amongst his peers and patients. The surgeon should have a good track record of consistent and quality results. Also during your initial consultation, remember to ask him to share the ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos depicting his work.
A well-known and respected gynecomastia surgery clinic is one which has a good team of surgeons, anaesthesiologists, and nursing staff. Their location should be convenient and the premises should be approved by the medical authorities. They should have a reputation of successful surgeries, and their team should be able to explain the details of the procedures to you.
Cocoona has been voted as the “Best Aesthetic Clinic” for many years, and has all the necessary facilities to ensure a pleasant and happy experience. Our team will help you make a confident and informed decision.
Gynecomastia correction is indicated for men:
A normally healthy man, with stable blood pressure, is generally a good candidate. Being a non-smoker also helps.
If you feel that some of these descriptions match you, come and talk to our experts, we will be able to guide you to the next steps towards having your chest reshaped to the contours you desire.
Broadly speaking, there are 2 types of surgical Gynecomastia correction options that the doctor will choose from:
Please note that there are also non-surgical methods of treating gynecomastia, such as through ultrasound (often referred to as “ultrasonic liposuction”), or lipolysis, or even exercise, but on this page we are focusing only on surgical treatment of gynecomastia
At Cocoona, we have the expertise across all these options, and that is one of the reasons that we conduct the most number of successful gynecomastia surgeries in Dubai.
Let’s look at what these surgical options are and when they are used:
This technique works well when the correction needed is small sized and the skin elasticity is good. The process is similar to liposuction of any other part of the body, with expertise needed for getting the correct shape and contours on the chest.
In this process, the surgeon will make a tiny incision is made along the side of the areola, and using thin hollow metal cannula, attached to a suction, will drain out the excess fat (liposuction). After the liposuction technique has been used to remove fatty tissue from the breast structure, the surgeon will pull the underlying glandular tissue through this incision, hence the popular name for this technique – “PULL THROUGH TECHNIQUE”. Finally, the incisions are closed very carefully to ensure that the scars are scarcely visible.
This is also the preferred method for treating Pseudo-gynecomastia.
Based on the amount of tissue present on your breast area, the desired shape and physical condition, your surgeon will determine if this method suits your case.
For men requiring more extensive gynecomastia correction, especially when the skin elasticity is not good, the surgeon will need to perform a more invasive breast reduction surgery. This is usually conducted using general anesthesia, and can last about 2 – 3 hours. The main objective of the surgery is to restore the normal shape of the male breast by removing excess tissue and skin. The chest structure is a blend of glandular tissue, adipose (fatty) tissue, fibrous tissue, muscle and skin. The bone structure, proportion and symmetry of the chest has an impact on its overall appearance. So, this needs an artist’s mind to visualize the end result correctly and a skilled surgeon to implement the changes well.
The gynecomastia surgeon will also decide on the type of incision needed to get the best results. The most common approach is known as the WEBSTER incision; in medical terms it is also known as ‘Intra-Areolar incision’. In this method, the incision is made in the lower hemisphere of the breast, along the circumference of the areola. The surgeon will then excise the tissues around the breast area to give it the desired new shape.
Depending upon the body’s need, the surgeon may decide to choose to use the ‘Transverse Nipple-Areola’ incision, or the ‘Triple V-incision’. For massive gynecomastia, a resection of excessive skin and breast tissue, with a nipple grafting may be recommended, though this is a rare case.
The new approach is to minimize the size of incision to 2-3 cm and remove the entire gland piecemeal through this “keyhole”. This is popularly termed as ‘keyhole surgery’ for gynecomastia.
During your initial consultation, our expert male breast reduction surgeons in Dubai will evaluate your condition and make the best recommendation for your long-term benefit.
Please feel free to discuss the benefits of each type of option before deciding which is good for you. Our surgeon will recommend the best option suitable for you, his experience and training will guide you to the best possible results.
Come and talk to any of our specialist plastic surgeons to see which method will give you the desired chest contours.
When the Gynecomastia surgery is performed by a well experienced and skilled surgeon, the results can be considered permanent, giving many years of satisfaction. The surgeon removes the male breast glandular tissue during the procedure, thus having a case of re-growth is extremely unusual.
A Gynecomastia surgery has a very high success rate, and most patients are satisfied with their results when the surgery is done with a good breast surgeon.
At Cocoona, the skill of our leading breast surgeons ensures that your surgery is done in the most technically proficient manner to ensure maximum longevity and minimal chances of revision surgery.
The cost of a Gynecomastia surgery depends on the following:
A Gynecomastia surgery is usually classified as a cosmetic surgery, and may not be covered by insurance. Please check with your insurance provider about eligibility.
You should bear in mind that the expertise of your surgeon and your comfort factor with him/ her should be one the most important considerations than just the cost of the surgery. An initially cheaper option could turn out to be an expensive proposition in the long run.
For an accurate assessment of cost, you would need an initial consultation with our surgeon
Gynecomastia surgery is a well-established procedure. It takes between 2-3 hours. It is usually done as an inpatient procedure, one night stay in the hospital would be needed.
Most men can return to normal activities within 2 weeks and usually require only 3-4 days off work when having the procedure just before the start of a weekend.
You can commence basic exercises like walking, treadmill, stationary biking after 1-2 weeks. Heavy lifting or intense physical activity should be done only after your surgeon’s permission – could take up to 2 – 3 months.
As with any kind of surgery, there are risks that arise due to anesthesia, and the surgery itself.
Though the risks are unlikely, some of the possibilities are:
It is important for you to choose a surgeon and clinic which has an exceptional record in minimizing risks and complications.
For your information, Cocoona’s rate of complication is less than 0.8% annually since 2005 – clearly displaying our expertise and success as the best clinic in Dubai for cosmetic surgeries. Book your initial consultation.
The first consultation with the gynecomastia surgeon is very important. It will give our experts an opportunity to better understand your needs, and they will be able to share their experience and explain the customized procedure for you. A common goal of the outcome can then be established. Importantly, you will also be able to assess your comfort level with the surgeon.
By this time, you should be clear on why you wish to undertake the gynecomastia surgery and what are your expectations for removing the moobs, as male breasts are popularly called.
Once you are clear about that, share the answers with our consulting surgeon. That will allow for a better understanding between you and the doctor, making you better prepared for the procedure.
Your consultation with any of our highly reputed gynecomastia surgeons in Dubai will include the following:
A bit of apprehension is natural, but don’t feel shy in discussing any issues that you may have in respect to your new look. These are essential to help plan your surgery better, and improve recovery time. It is also a good idea to ask for ‘Before and After’ photos of the surgeon’s work.
Our next section, gives a list of handy questions that you may want to ask our consulting breast surgeon. Do read that too. Print out the list and keep it handy so you don’t miss out asking any questions directly.
Now that you have gone through the basic questions in your mind, here are some of the other topics you should broach with your surgeon during your initial consultation with our surgeon …
About the Surgeon & Clinic:
About the Gynecomastia Surgery:
About Expected Results:
Please feel free to add any more questions that you wish to this list before your consultation session.
You can rest assured that besides these questions, our team of leading Gynecomastia surgeons at Cocoona, will also tell you about the procedure in detail, and patiently answer all queries you need clarification on. Reach out to us.
The big day preparation should start now. We would suggest that you relax and follow the guidelines that we share with you. Our team at Cocoona, Dubai has a lot of experience with breast surgeries. Closer to the big day, an additional consultation may be required to finalize all details of the surgery and to once again ensure that you clearly understand the expectations and risks of the procedure.
You may be required to do breast mammography or ultrasonography.
You need to refrain from smoking and medications that can thin your blood. It is recommended to keep yourself fit and healthy.
The nurse will provide you with all necessary information and prescriptions for post-surgery care.
Our team of nurses, counsellors and doctors will provide you all necessary instructions and ensure you are fully equipped and ready for your surgery.
Gynecomastia is a popular procedure among men, and generally does require a one night stay at the clinic. Its popularity also stems from the fact that the recovery period is small.
Immediately after your Gynecomastia in Dubai, your breasts will be bandaged, and you will also be given a vest that will help reduce the swelling, while also offering support to the operated area.
Your prescribed medicines will include pain killers, antibiotics, and ointment for the surgical area. A complete schedule of follow up appointments will be prepared for you, and the doctor will advise you on the physical activities that you may or may not undertake.
For the first 3 days, rest at home is recommended, and vertical lifting of arms is forbidden. Usually men require a week or so to get back to normal work. Walking as an exercise is recommended. For harder exercise schedules like aerobics, consult your surgeon before you start. Carrying heavy loads is not advisable during the first 7 – 10 days. It is advisable to take a week off from work – that usually suffices for most men. Swelling starts reducing within 3 weeks.
The surgeon may also prescribe vitamins and provide dietary guidelines. Collectively all these will aid your recovery.
The scars from the surgery are permanent, but will gradually fade. Use of creams to minimize scars will help.
The nursing staff at Cocoona will ensure that your recovery package details are clearly explained to you and you can reach out to them anytime for clarifications.
A few days after the surgery, the swelling will start to recede. If needed, cold compress during the initial 2 days, and warm compress after that may be advised to manage the swelling.
In most cases of Gynecomastia correction surgery, the incision will be about 1 inch long, and the scar is largely invisible, and will take time to diminish. Exposure to sunlight is not advised for the first 2 weeks.
During the follow up meeting with the surgeon, your bandages will be removed and the healing, and swelling evaluated. The post-surgery medicines schedule may be re-evaluated. As the swelling reduces, you will start seeing the final result of the procedure and admire your new shape.Keeping a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and your weight under control, will help to retain your new chest contours for long.
It may surprise many, but 1 out of 3 men have unnaturally large breasts, and in most cases, it causes them some mental discomfort and embarrassment. This condition of large breasts amongst men is known as Gynecomastia, and it can be solved by different methods depending upon the age and severity of the condition. If the recommended method is surgery, a well experienced plastic surgeon, who specializes in breast surgery will be needed.
Gynecomastia surgery, also popularly known as male breast reduction surgery, is a process that requires specialized surgical expertise. So, before deciding to undergo this surgery, it is imperative to get a clear understanding of the process, and the do’s and don’ts associated with it. Being the leaders in Gynecomastia surgery in Dubai, we share the relevant information here for you.
Cocoona has the correct equation – the top Gynecomastia surgeons in Dubai, licensed anesthesiologists, and well-trained nurses and support staff. Cocoona does the most number of breast surgeries in UAE, and our team of surgeons are rated extremely highly among peers and patients.
Overall, we have served over 30,000 patients. And our complication rate of less than 0.8%, is a testament to our expertise!
Dr. Sanjay Parashar, the founder of Cocoona is regarded as one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. Besides being an author on plastic surgery, he is also a regular invitee to share his knowledge of cosmetic surgical procedures with surgeons across the world. His reputation among peers is unparalleled. His immense surgical experience when mixed with his artistic abilities, helps deliver amazing results for his patients. With him and our brilliant team at Cocoona Dubai, you can be sure you are in the safest pair of professional hands and you will have a satisfactory result.
Collectively, our breast surgeons have performed 4,000+ breast surgeries and 48,000+ cosmetic procedures overall.
If you need Gynecomastia surgery in Dubai, you’ll be best taken care of at Cocoona.
Cocoona is the only clinic in all of UAE that offers free patient safety assurance. What this means for you is that you will be covered for specified post-operative complications up to AED 50,000. This is like an insurance cover with a limit of AED 50,000. Click here for details.
Now, that you have more information about gynecomastia and about choosing the best gynecomastia surgeon and clinic for getting your surgery done, you have to make the decision.
For answers to any questions regarding gynecomastia in Dubai, call us on 800-362636 or +9714 3884589 or complete the appointment form or email: [email protected].
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Dear Cocoona & Dr. Sanjay, Thank you so much for my Breast Augmentation procedure. Its 1 month on and I could not be happier with the result . All the way through from the initial consultation to the post op checkups, all your staff has been wonderful. The Dubai London Clinic for the surgery was fantastic. I would definitely recommend to others to Cocoona. Now if you could fix my handwriting skills please?
Thanks again.
Dear Lovely Staff of Cocoona, I love the environment of the Clinic, staff is so beautiful & positive always smiling. And Dr. Sanjay is the best, friendly, positive & smart. I am very happy with the procedure that I have done & I strongly recommend anyone who is reading these to please “go for it”. Mini and the other Nurses around are dolls, cute and positive. Love the All!
Thank you & Best Regards
I want to thank you for the great effort and expertise that you put in the hair transplant procedure which you did on me. You have fixed a big cut from a previous, very bad hair transplant in Jordan. It kept me very nervous and uncomfortable for very long time. Now, after conducting this surgery by you, I feel very very happy because the cut is almost gone. I like your personality and professionalism. I am really glad that I made a decision to come to Dubai and conduct the surgery at Cocoona Clinic Thank you very much.