COCOONA is Thrilled to Receive JCI Accreditation

We have once again proved the organization’s dedication to provide the best level of care to all its patients. With a team of qualified and well-trained medical experts and caregivers the facility offers world-class aesthetic treatments. The accreditation makes Cocoona stand out from other aesthetics. Whether you want to loose weight or want a breast augmentation Cocoona is just a phone call away.

What is JCI Accreditation?

Joint Commission International (JCI), is a division of Joint Commission of Resources (JCR), the non-profit affiliate of the joint commission. The international branch accredits medical services around the globe and is a worldwide leader in improving the healthcare sector. They have been actively involved in the healthcare sector across the UAE since May 2006.

Their mission is to increase safety and quality of care through the provision of education, consultation services and international accreditation. The accreditation policy helps patients to choose between healthcare facilities and helps in improving patient safety. It stimulates systemic improvements in an organization’s performance and outcome in patient care.

What is JCI Accreditation?

Joint Commission International (JCI), is a division of Joint Commission of Resources (JCR), the non-profit affiliate of the joint commission. The international branch accredits medical services around the globe and is a worldwide leader in improving the healthcare sector. They have been actively involved in the healthcare sector across the UAE since May 2006.

Their mission is to increase safety and quality of care through the provision of education, consultation services and international accreditation. The accreditation policy helps patients to choose between healthcare facilities and helps in improving patient safety. It stimulates systemic improvements in an organization’s performance and outcome in patient care.

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